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About Us

In January of 2022, my then nine year old son Zachary discovered an
interest in learning how to solve a standard 3x3 Rubik’s cube. As weeks
went on, we noticed his dedication and determination for what we thought
was just another fleeting hobby. It wasn’t long before he was able to solve
the cube in under 1 minute! There were obvious improvements with his
memory, ability to focus, and hand-eye coordination. As a pediatric
speech-language pathologist, I recognized a significant increase in my
sons problem solving skills, independent thinking, and goal setting. This
STEM based toy was not only extremely fun for my son to play with, but
was enhancing and carrying over into his academic performance.

In April of 2022 we were introduced to the competitive community
of Speedcubing. We began traveling to just about every WCA (World
Cubing Association) competition held in the state of Colorado, and quickly
noticed the rise in popularity. At the end of 2022 we found out that
    Colorado held the second most number of Speedcubing competitions out of

any state in the USA.

With Zachary’s newfound passion for solving cubes, he was soon
teaching kids at school, family friends, and their children how to
accomplish what they thought was impossible.

This led us to develop a concept that would benefit the youth and
future of Colorado. We are thrilled to announce Colorado Cubing!! The
premier spot for speedcubing puzzles and merchandise in the centennial
state. We look forward to meeting you in person as we will be sponsoring
WCA competitions, volunteering in schools, hosting workshops for all skill
levels, and helping grow the speedcubing community. We are a family run
business, and are located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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To promote educational benefits to children and young adults of our future. Our products encourage complex problem-solving skills, creativity, focus,
and independent thinking.

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